I've been wanting to post something new here for at least a few days, and I've been too busy/tired to do it. So what is it that has finally given me the impetus to write something new?
Ryan and Reese splitting up. I had such great hopes for them. :( Yes, I care about sorta superficial things, shut up. Sigh.
Can somebody remind me what the purpose of the daylight saving time system is? 'Cause all I know is that now, when I get home at 6:00, it's pitch black outside. Seriously. I couldn't even tell which direction the bus was driving in. And yes, that sentence did end in a preposition. They're moving the "fall back" a week later next year...a lot of good
that'll do. :P I'll be working one hour longer between November and April, too, so it'll be
really dark by the time I get home.
Now on to what I've been wanting to write about: leaving your comfort zone. I've been thinking that I should eventually (but not that eventually) move out of my parents' home and get my own place. The earliest possible time that would happen would be in a year from now, after I (theoretically) pass all of my professional accounting exams. The thing is, it's not like I really,
really want to leave...I just feel like I should. And that I need to. If not only because at least every other day one or both of my parent(s) drive(s) me up the wall. :) But mostly I just think I need to do some things on my own that maybe I'm not even that comfortable with, like living on my own. I need to try and do that, take care of that home stuff like electricity bills and cooking dinner and things like that that my parents currently do for me because I've had a nice, cushy life so far. I'm not sure how I'd feel about coming home to an empty apartment/condo/whatever and nobody being there to greet me, but...I don't know. Maybe it'd be okay? I wouldn't mind having a roommate, but it'd probably be pretty hard to coordinate this kind of thing with anybody I know, and I'd rather not live with a stranger. Anyway, I'm not saying I'm definitely moving in a year from now. I mean, I only moved in a year ago to the place I live now, and I've got my room and stuff the way I like it now, and I'm not all that keen on doing that all again, you know? I've just got thoughts. Figure out if I can be my own person.
Happy Halloween!